Mary Our Help- Technical Institute for Women is an institution committed to the nurturing and complete development of young women, for women, and by women with the guidance of Our Lady and the virtues and values by which everything is...

Mary Our Help- Technical Institute for Women is an institution committed to the nurturing and complete development of young women, for women, and by women with the guidance of Our Lady and the virtues and values by which everything is...
MOH-TIW Senior High School program envisions to serve as a benchmark in honing the skills and competencies congruent to industry needs. This also provides them the edge to be ready for ASEAN Integration. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)...
Education is considered one of the most important means to empower women with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to participate fully in the development processes of the society may it be social, political, health or the spiritual aspect of...
Mary Our Help- Technical Institute for Women is an institution committed to the nurturing and complete development of young women, for women, and by women with the guidance of Our Lady and the virtues and values by which everything is grounded on.
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