MOH-TIW Senior High School program envisions to serve as a benchmark in honing the skills and competencies congruent to industry needs. This also provides them the edge to be ready for ASEAN Integration.
Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
1. Industrial Arts (IA)
- Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II
2. Office Travel Entrepreneurship Services (OTES)
- Bookkeeping NC III
3. Hotel and Restaurant Services (HRS)
- Housekeeping Servicing NC II
- Barista Servicing NC II
- Food and Beverage Servicing NC II
4. Garments Technology (GT)
- Dressmaking NC II
Senior High School – Stand Alone
Academic Track
1. STEM – Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics
- Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II
- Mechatronics Servicing NC II
2. ABM – Accountancy, Business & Management
- Bookkeeping NC III
Technical Vocational & Livelihood Track
1. Industrial Arts
- Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II
2. Home Economics
- Housekeeping NC II
- Dressmaking NC II
CHED Program
- Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Travel Management
- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
- MOH-TIW Over-all Programs
- Senior High School Stand Alone
- College Education
- Value Formation
- Job Placement
- Counseling
- Youth Leadership Training
- Scholarships / Study Now Pay Later
- Cultural Development
- Parents/Teachers Formation